16 - 17 may 2017 Ramada Encore Kiev, Ukraine
+38 (099) 617 62 04
+38 (096) 329 22 83
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Congress ULPGA 2017
Within the Congress ULPGA 2017:
21 st Assembly, exhibition and other general activities


Focus on "Congress ULPGA 2017" all participants and visitors will be able to read the latest products and services for the production, storage, transportation, sale of LPG.

Alexander Dombrowski
Alexander Dombrowski

Welcome remark

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on fuel and energy complex, nuclear policy and nuclear safety
Time of speech 10:30-11:00

Stanislav Batrachenko
Stanislav Batrachenko

"A brief review of CONGRESS ULPGA 2017"
Time of speech 10:30-11:00

Liquefied gas LPG Avtohaz- alternative fuel. Roadmap LPG sector in Ukraine. 
Time of speech 11:00-11:50

General Director of Ukrainian LPG Association ULPGA

Oleksiy Ryabchyn
Oleksiy Ryabchyn

"Reforming the fuel market - security, energy efficiency, competitiveness"

Chairman of the subcommittee on energy conservation and energy efficiency of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine's fuel and energy complex, nuclear policy and nuclear safety
Time of speech: 10: 30-11: 00

Sergei Sapegin
Sergei Sapegin

New Energy Strategy: experience of use of peer reviews PsycheaExpetus.

Director of STC "Psyche"
Time of speech:11:00-11:50

Samuel Maubank
Samuel Maubank

"European tax and excise tax policy on energy."
Time speech 16 May 2017 12: 20-13: 30

The results of testing the car with gas equipment who used LPG presents European LPG Association AEGPL
Time speech 17 May 2017 16:00-17:00

General Director of the European Association of liquefied gas.

Vladislav Kolodjazhnj
Vladislav Kolodjazhnj

The tax burden on LPG as an alternative fuel relative to conventional petroleum products in Ukraine. 

LPG market expert, member ULPGA.
Time of speech:12:20-13:30

Richard Hakeem
Richard Hakeem

Terms of the design and construction of gas infrastructure developed LPG Association of Great Britain, the use in the EU.

Technical Director of the British LPG Association UKGPL
Time of speech: 11: 10-11: 50

 Andrzej Olehovskyy
Andrzej Olehovskyy

European policy to support minimum stocks of crude oil and / or petroleum products. Council Directive 2009/119 / EC of 14 September 2009 concerning imposing on Member States the obligation to guarantee financial or material support stocks.

CEO of the Polish Association of liquefied gas.
Time of speech: 14: 30-15-30

Svetlana Novolodska
Svetlana Novolodska

Global expectations of LPG by 2020

Senior editor Argus liquefied gas and condensate.
Time of speech 16:00-17:00

Oleksandr Sirenko
Oleksandr Sirenko

Projections for the Ukrainian LPG market by 2020

Company Nefterynok, Consulting Agency of Ukraine
Time of speech: 16: 00-17: 00

Damir Khalmetov
Damir Khalmetov

"Market Overview LPG countries of Eastern Europe"

An expert on the market of LPG. Thomson Reuters.
Time of speech: 16: 00-17: 00

Anatoly Frizorenko
Anatoly Frizorenko

"Place of LPG in the energy balance of Ukraine."

State Statistical Office of Ukraine
Time of speech: 16: 00-17: 00

Oleksiy Lastovets
Oleksiy Lastovets

"Requirements for the establishment of a transparent and competitive Ukrainian market of LPG. Reform auctions of PG."

Deputy Chairman of the Exchange Committee Ukrainian energy market.
Time of speech: 11: 00-12: 00

Alexander Grishko
Alexander Grishko

Alternative delivery areas.

Company "Nadezhda"
Time of speech: 11: 00-12: 00

Ivan Kudinov
Ivan Kudinov

Who creates market of LPG in Ukraine ?

The analyst Company UPECO
Time of speech: 11: 00-12: 00

Serhiy Fedorenko
Serhiy Fedorenko

"Increased production of LPG to Ukraine. Can the Ukraine itself to ensure liquefied gas?"

Commercial Director of JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya.
Time of speech: 11: 00-12: 00

Tamara Zhyhyliy
Tamara Zhyhyliy

The second phase of the project" Provision of outsourcing services

Project Manager Company "Nadezhda"
Time of speech: 12:30-13:30

Olexandr Zalyubovskiy
Olexandr Zalyubovskiy

"Types of gas carrier for transportation LPG and gas service of filling stations."

General Director of Group of Companies "Propane Service"
Time speech 12: 30-13: 30

Valentin Zavorotyuk
Valentin Zavorotyuk

Ukrainian standards of construction, gas stations.

Chief Engineer PVHP "Autotrans"
Time speech 12:30-13:30

Olexandr Zhdymora
Olexandr Zhdymora

"Ways to Prevent nesantsionovanoho selection of liquefied gas. Modern methods pf account of LPG."

Director of "Propane Service"
Time speech 14: 30-15: 30

Oleg Tsukan
Oleg Tsukan

Theft of gas on Transport - the methods of prevention

Head of financial - economic security company "Nadezhda"
Time speech 14: 30-15: 30

Andrey Dorofeev
Andrey Dorofeev

Emergency gas supplies propane-butane in Ukraine, far-fetched fears justified or necessary.

Representative of "Ukravtonomhaz"
Time speech 16:00-17:00

Yuri Volohnenko
Yuri Volohnenko

New areas of new technologies gas equipment in Ukraine.

Company "Avtohazhlobal"
Time speech 16:00-17:00

Alexander Danchenko
Alexander Danchenko

Experience and results establish of gas equipment "Autogas Italia" the heavy buses and sports cars participating in the competition, with increased power engines that use liquefied petroleum gas.

 Head of the Sector gas equipment LLC "TD Avtotrans - OIL"
Time speech 16:00-17:00

10 years unite ukrainian LPG market!
16 - 17 may 2017 Congress ULPGA 2017 Ramada Encore Kiev, Ukraine